Core Action Circles

A Core Action Circle™ uses group sharing and creative arts — sound, movement, drawing or writing — to replace struggle with easeful progress.

Tap into the spiritually grounded structures of an intuitive pragmatic facilitator, the power and wisdom of a small group of empathetic motivated companions, and the wisdom and strength of your embodied self to accomplish concrete goals and take action steps towards your dreams.

Projects may be as varied as applying to grad school, writing a screenplay, reorganizing a closet, exploring a new career, or finding a romantic partner.

Past participants have finished a masters thesis, completed a certificate program, clarified the vision for a business, and made progress on a home renovation. They have also cleared emotional blocks, reconnected with their inner strength, and danced with joy at each other's successes.

Most Core Action Circle groups meet in person for six sessions over a two-month period. While one stand-alone session may be all you need to get unstuck or gain clarity, the power of a group journeying together and witnessing each other is unparalleled.

Covid-19 Update: I am not offering any in-person Core Action Circles during the pandemic. If you have a group of 4-6 individuals who would like to pilot a Zoom-based Core Action Circle with me, please reach out.